Friday, April 20, 2012

Coffin Dodgers Tournament - Bucks Stags - Singapore

Bucks Stags - Singapore
Coffin Dodgers

Once again BUCKS RFC, Singapore, are making the annual pilgrimage to what has become the cornerstone and start line of their annual touring campaign. Two squads are on the air lift, a young fit commando shock troop (Bucks – see separate write up), and the seasoned Boers vets (Stags – that’s us) with their long guns and dead eye aim.

Most shooting seasons BUCKS and their like send in 12, maybe 16 bold souls to pit themselves against the best in their age group. This year, BUCKS Stags are coming with strength in depth and a squad so strong, you would need an army of Hercules to stop them coming, on what will seem to be broken old men as far as the eye can see. Whilst previous BUCKS RFC Phuket attendances have been considered LEGENDARY (and they only ever numbered 12), by most mild mannered touring parties and impartial observers alike, this year that adjective may not seem large enough brazen enough  appropriate.

“30!” is the number he/she cried as the Stag pinned ‘it’ to the ground, and like a hoard of Russian serfs in a charge against Jerry guns in the fight for Leningrad, if one Stag goes down, there will be two more to step up from the blood, guts and misery and grab the torch of victory.

Bomber, Schlonger, Podge & Brinny, names that float in the mist and fog that is war in Phuket, together with their fellow soldiers of seasoned old salts are parachuting in to defend to the last man their Coffin Dodgers Plate title, so valiantly won in 2011. But will this be enough for the thirsty gang of touring cut throats? This year, they may have their aim a little higher, targeting their first cup win.

The squad is stronger, older & wiser this campaign. The reserves are being called in from all corners of the globe, UK (Claude Balls & Pieboy), China (Podge) and Melbourne (Rich D) as well as some formerly downtrodden other halves who will FINALLY make it to a Phuket tour, albeit as 40+ (Harry & Slim) or even 50+ (Rick & Keith) year old virgins and we trust they shall bring along enough personal protection and nous to clamber over the booby trapped obstacle course that will inevitably be found on the land that is to be fought over by the opposition and team mates alike.

Hush, an old battle cry can be heard coming in over the airwaves from the ops room:

“oo-ooer, who’ll follow me and take the first wave!”

And off they go to the beat of the drum machine.


Guns start blazing at about 1800hrs sharp (Zulu Time, of course) on Thursday 24 May 2012, after a spot of tiffin and maybe some tea and a quick soapy bath.

We hope we enjoy the weekend as much as we always do. See you on the beaches.

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